FTP Accounts in Cloud Hosting
You can set up as many FTP accounts as you wish with each of the Linux cloud hosting packages that we offer, because we’ve chosen not to restrict this feature. In this way, you can maintain numerous Internet sites at once or give other persons access to separate folders. Once a particular job has been carried out and you would not like that individual to be able to connect to your website files any longer, you can edit the password for the given FTP account or you can simply remove that account with a few clicks and stop worrying about anyone connecting to it once more. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with all shared web hosting packages, will permit you to see the complete list of the active FTP accounts listed alphabetically. It takes just one click of the mouse to administer various options for any of them – to update the password or the access path, to download an auto-configuration file, etc.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you host your websites in a semi-dedicated server account, you will be able to create a different FTP account for each one of them, since we haven’t set a restriction on this functionality with any of our semi-dedicated server plans. You can accomplish this through the FTP section of our easy-to-use Hepsia Control Panel where you can also see the complete list of all the FTP accounts that you have set up, along with the folder that each one of them can connect to. If needed, you’ll be able to modify the password for a specific FTP account or to modify its access path with a few mouse clicks. You can also remove an account without any effort if you no longer need it – for instance, if you have hired a designer who is done with the Internet site and you do not want them to be able to connect to your website files anymore. For convenience’s sake, we have created a number of educational videos, that will help you manage your FTP accounts without any effort if you have never used a web hosting package before.
FTP Accounts in VPS Hosting
With a virtual private server from us, you will get the chance to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts to access your web content. This is valid for all VPS server packages, regardless of the hosting Control Panel that you have chosen during the signup process – DirectAdmin, cPanel or Hepsia. Based on your demands, you can create a separate FTP account for every Internet site or a number of accounts with access to a specific folder – in case you wish to permit different people to be able to access that folder using their own sign-in details. Even if you have never had a web hosting account previously or in case you’ve only had a shared one, you will not have any problem creating, removing or editing any FTP account on the virtual machine, as everything is done through an easy-to-navigate web-based interface and takes just a couple of mouse clicks.